Sometimes something clicks, there’s an evolution and we are suddenly able to dream a little bigger, imagine a little further.
Or scenes of our future present to us, where we are living something beautiful, that we just imagined so far.
We discover that planning can help us to organise our time in a smart way.
And working hard, pushing, doesn’t lead to the best place.
We find our flow if we allow space and ease in our life.
It’s a process, because in our society everything is planned on a timetable for us: in school, at work, in life.
And to find the space where we can just be, it takes conscious effort.
And that is the space where the good ideas just come to us: in the shower, while walking in nature, while cleaning something…
When there’s space in our mind.
Last week was full of flow and surprises for me.
Federica asked me to decorate and photograph a flat she has for rent with her company Carpe Diem Rooms:

And I was inspired to make two new artworks, exploring a new pattern with the versatile ninja stars.

Flow and inspiration make life great.
Una Marzorati
unamarz Creations