I am fascinated by the Ying-Yang symbol.
It is about the co-existence of opposites.
White is Yang: active, doing, masculine, the sun, the light.
Black is Ying: passive, receiving, feminine, the moon, the darkness.
Then of course when we hear Black and White, we think about the colour of the skin.
That in reality is never Black, never White.
There’s so many shades of skin colours in the world.
Someone decided to call "Black" skin colours that are different shades of brown, and "White" skin colours that range between beige and pink.
When my son was small, maybe 4 or 5 years old, he made a drawing of mum and dad.
I asked him: What colour did you use for my skin? - Yellow!
What colour did you use for daddy’s skin? - Brown!
I was told by my mum that my skin colour is “olivastra”, olive colour.
I love olives, they are one of my favourite foods, so I am happy with that :)
And I use olive oil for cooking every day (extra virgin of course).
I started my artist journey with lots of colours. And then I dived into Black and White, in-between colours.
I made a series of Matrixes on black canvas. And one of them is black.
Black paper Ninja Stars on black canvas.
A subtle play of soft shadows.

You can see "Matrix Black" in the Gallery - Portals and Matrices
During a group meditation, I had a vision of an image, a vortex or spiral, rectangular, black and white.
I am so happy when this happens. It’s like receiving a magnificent gift.
I opened my eyes and sketched the image.
I knew how to make it with my hands!
And I made “Vertigo, or Fast Vortex”.
Black and white ninja stars on black canvas.
The word Vertigo came to mind.
When I stare at it, I have the impression that it is starting to rotate around its centre.
I remembered that Alfred Hitchcock titled one of his movies “Vertigo”.
The movie poster shows a round vortex, similar to the ones used for hypnosis.
You can see "Vertigo, or Fast Portal" in the Gallery - Big Wall Art.
I made a series of artworks called “Love…”. For example there is “Love Red”, “Love Yellow”.
The two things in common to all the artworks in the series, are the square canvas 30x30 cm and the heart shape.
I created this heart shape using 14 paper tetrahedrons. It is now my logo, for unamarz Creations.
I use origami paper by Folded Square Origami.
They have beautiful bicolour papers. I had the idea of making a “Love Opposites” artwork, using their black and grey paper.
“Love Opposites” is my interpretation of the Ying Yang symbol, within the rules of the “Love…” series.
The result was a heart that has the same quantity of black and white, is symmetrical, and has an outer symmetrical pattern around it.
It’s funny to use all these words to describe a piece of art.
It reminds me of the quote “An image is worth one thousand words”. And it’s true, an image gives you feelings, thoughts, and you can describe it, using many, many words.
Recently I created a digital, flat version of “Love Opposites”, to be printed on T-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, tote bags and other clothing. I added the title underneath, to wear a statement, feel good, good vibes T-shirt.
Designing T-shirts and clothing gave me a new spark, an excitement that sprouted a new idea.
Love Black, Love White on white background.
Love White, Love Black on black background.
I created these designs digitally first, for the first time. Another statement.
I Love Black, and I Love White. At the same time. They exist together. They look best together. One helps you to see the other better.
I wanted to show them together, so I photographed my children wearing the two T-shirt designs.
I have been drawing and designing characters for a long time. But apart for a T-shirt I published on Etsy many years ago, this is the first time that I am publishing and selling my clothing designs.
They are graphic designs that are printed to order by Teemill.
Teemill is a great company that produces good quality clothing, with organic cotton and recycled cotton.
They use circular economy and they recycle all worn out products (you can just scan the QR code on your Teemill clothing to return and recycle them).
Recently I had the idea of making two artworks based on the two Love Black and White designs, so I am flowing from analogical, hands on paper folding and gluing and painting, to digital creation on Adobe Photoshop, and back.
I would like to spread good vibes in the world, and this is what “comes out of me”: origami art, designs on clothing, and words.
Una Marzorati
unamarz Creations
Thank you so much for your words Federica 💚
With your art and your words you are truly making this world a better place. Love and Good vibes is all we most need in this planet.