The tetrahedron I use in my artworks is the origami fold invented by Tomoko Fuse.
It is a fascinating shape.

I was inspired to use it repeated into patterns in my art, especially in the heart shape or curved shapes.
I love the contrast in using a module with only straight lines to form a composition with very soft curves.
In geometry a tetrahedron is a pyramid formed of 4 equilateral triangles. I love to give meaning to numbers, so I associate the tetrahedron to numbers 3 and 4: 3 for action and the third energy center in the body (solar plexus), 4 for love and the heart.
Researching and reading I found some very interesting meanings related to the tetrahedron:
- it is one of the five Platonic Solids and represents the element of Fire
- It is the strongest and most stable solid
- In chemistry many elementary molecules use it as a frame
- It’s in the structure of diamond, the hardest natural substance.
The biggest artwork I made is the triptych “The Ripple”. It travelled from England to exhibitions in Venice (Italy) and back. One of the tetrahedrons was missing, so I repaired the artwork by making a substitute and gluing it to the canvas. The tetrahedrons are so resistant! (And one preferred to stay in Venice…).
In my art the single module often represent one heart, and for association, one person. I found confirmation of this idea in visions of me, or a person in general, being contained in a tetrahedron, in a seated position, crossed legged.
I talked about this module in this video on Instagram as well.
You can see these artworks in the Gallery - Big Wall Art, and the Gallery - Hearts.
Una Marzorati
unamarz Creations