Wait a minute, are there 8 colours in the rainbow?
My eldest son loves rainbows, and he used to draw and paint them often.
Here is a painting he made when he was 7.

He inspired me to use the same colours to make art.
In 2019 I selected these colours in my palette of origami paper:
I had a big canvas 100x120 cm, and I folded 4 ninja stars for each colour.
I placed the stars on a pattern, but I felt like something was missing.
So I added 4 fuchsia stars at the top.
And I thought: it’s finished, it’s complete.
I still didn’t know what it was.
After some time I understood the meaning of it.
Because my hands knew more than my head.
It took time for my brain to understand what my hands got straight from intuition.
I had created a representation of the energy in the body being all aligned.
Like the experience I had when meditating at Dr Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Workshop, two months before making that artwork.
In that occasion I learned that there are 8 energy centres in our body (number 8 being a little bit above the head).
Every energy centre can be associated to a colour: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, purple, and fuchsia.
My artwork is called “Armonia First”.
Armonia is harmony, and when the 8 centres are aligned, there is harmony in our body.
I made an artwork called “Love Red”, using the colour red and green.
Red is the first energy centre and in this case for me signifies passion and creation, and the green colour is the fourth energy centre, associated with the heart and love.
The colours red and green are also complementary colours, they are opposite in the colour wheel.
"Love Red" original artwork is available on request. Please contact support@unamarz.com for more information.
Una Marzorati
unamarz Creations