The Money of Abundance and the Money of Lack

The Money of Abundance and the Money of Lack

In Italian they rhyme: abbondanza e mancanza (abundance and lack).

The money of lack is the money of fear.

The money you hide for fear of burglars, so well that you are never able to find it again.

The money you spend to buy silver coins, to exchange with food on doomsday, but then you change, and you sell it for the money of abundance, that will get you precious time with your children.

The money of lack is money of shame, shame of talking about money, shame of asking for money.

The Money of Abundance is spent on ice cream on a sunny day, and appreciated while walking around Venice. 

It is the money you spend to help someone in need, a blue banknote in a blue basket.

The money of abundance buys you happy comfortable clothes, after a wonderful interview. 

And you feel like Audry Hepburn in Rome, and you are in Venice, so be careful and don’t end up in a canal like Katharine Hepburn.

Una Marzorati - unamarz artist at exhibition in Venice with 4 of her artworks

The money of abundance is the money you spend for a delicious dinner with a friend, a time of laughter and connection and happiness of taste and sight and heart.


The money of abundance brings you to a celebration where you live a wonderful moment of folk dance with your grandfather.


And of course, you don’t need money for abundance. 

Abundance is everywhere in nature, everywhere you ca see it, because is within you first.


Una Marzorati

unamarz Creations

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