The Love Series, Part One

The Love Series, Part One

The Love series was born from limitations, from rules I imposed on myself for the creation of these artworks:
  • The title begins with the word “Love”
  • The origami module is the tetrahedron created by Tomoko Fuse
  • The heart shape is present, formed of 14 tetrahedrons
  • The canvas’ size is 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

Here is Part One, with the first 9 artworks.

"Love Music" - folded paper on canvas - 2021 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

I used music paper from “The Four Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi.

"Love Opposites" - folded paper on canvas - 2022 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

Origami paper is normally coloured on one side and white on the other side. This paper is black and light grey. Inspired by the Ying Yang symbol, I added a little bit of one colour inside the space of the opposite colour, with symmetry and balance, on the external contour as well.

"Love Peacock" - folded paper on canvas - 2021 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

Beautiful paper from Venice, Italy, with peacock's feathers motif. Here I used the origami ninja star together with the tetrahedron.

"Love Pink" - folded paper on canvas - 2021 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

Bicolour paper with my favourite shade of pink: fuchsia, together with yellow (it glows on UV light!) and purple. You can read my blog about the meaning of pink here.

"Love Red" - folded paper on canvas - 2021 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

Bicoulor paper red and green. Red and green are complementary colours and I think that these 2 shades are so vibrant together, that I had to make an artwork.

"Love The Alchemist" - folded paper on canvas - 2021 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

Inspired by the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, I used pages from a copy of the book in English. Can you spot the alchemic symbol in the artwork?

"Love The Moon" - folded paper on canvas - 2022 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

I love to make curves with the tetrahedrons. The yellow glows on UV light!

"Love The Sky" - folded paper on canvas - 2022 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

The paper is a map of the sky, that is around the Earth, so this time I used the space around the heart. The brownish tetrahedron in the middle is the heart of the Earth.

"Love Yellow" - folded paper on canvas - 2021 - 30x30 cm (12x12 in)

This is the shade of yellow I prefer and use the most. I love the brick colour in these bicolour origami paper. It inspired me to make this "sun heart".

You can see these artworks and more in the new Gallery.

They are available for purchase, please contact for more info.


Una Marzorati

unamarz Creations

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