Showing the invisible - Inspiration

Showing the invisible - Inspiration

How can we show the invisible? Emotions, energy, waves?

In 2020 I made the artwork "Inspiration", with folded origami tetrahedrons on two canvases 100x30 cm (40x12 in).

Two hearts are connected by a continuous flow of inspiration.

Both hearts are made with the same bicolour paper: purple and yellow, for spirituality and action.

One is more action oriented, and the other is more spiritual.

As you can see in the animation below, the flow is continuous, there is always this connection, communication, a loop of inspiration.

And inspiration is symbolised by the pink colour.

I also associate these three colours with three energy centers: number 3 is yellow and action, number 7 is purple, spirituality, number 8 is pink, inspiration.

There's a continuous flow of energy between these two hearts/artworks.

And it doesn't matter if they are together on the same wall, or in different rooms, or in different countries, that flow will continue, because they are forever connected, because they were created together, from the same idea, from the same paper, from the same canvas, from the same hand.

We could compare it to quantum entanglement.

These artworks were in exhibition in Venice, in Palazzo Bembo in 2022, you can see my interview here or clicking on the image below.

 You can see Inspiration and more artworks in the new Gallery.

They are available for purchase, please contact for more info.


Una Marzorati

unamarz Creations



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